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Everything posted by jpayne

  1. If the story is correct this occurred on the Dukes Highway in rural South Australia, the couple saw the google car raced ahead and 'posed'. Apparently the trailing images from the google camera, show them racing to get back in, perhaps to do it again further up! Also about 5 years old. JP
  2. Most outstanding, Rufus! Let's jam!
  3. Its been long enough. Thanks for the keyring Vista. 3 pistons = 30 hence a piston equals 10 a piston plus a tyre plus a tyre = 20 a piston already = 10 so tyres must equal 5 a tyre plus a pair of shock absorber plus a pair of shock absorber = 9 thus a pair of shock absorbers must = 2 Our final equation poses a tyre + a single shock absorber X a piston or 5+1x10. Mathematics does not have a primary left to right protocol but an order of operations or rules. Some know it as BODMAS, others BIDMAS or PEDMAS. SO when presented with an equation solve the Bracketed then Orders, Divisions, Mutiplications, then Additions and finally Subtractions. so following the RULE our equation would look like this when reordered to read left to right. 1x10+5 or 5+(1x10) or as presented 5+1x10 which equals 15 JP
  4. well I truly believe I have it right at 15! the laws of Mathematics dictate I am correct. JP
  5. yep 15 got nothing to do with old or new maths just plain everyday normal mathematical rules and powers of observation!
  6. I liked tha capri, needed bumpers though. blacked out though.
  7. Photoshop every day of the week!
  8. so you made it back Whooligan. Been a big plan watching on classic-ford Welcome and good luck. JP
  9. seats and harnesses can be unbolted with no damage and if your not tracking it and just want the look of the cage just lay it in there...no need for bolts...its not going anywhere really...it's not a great idea though. JP
  10. But vista their whole business is based on consumer experience. Do we really think the Iphone is made of 10 times the junk of another brand to command the price. No, I hope not...but what they are selling is the experience of the apple company, the brand, reacting like a teenager to an un-important issue. A bit of humour. soon Apple et al will be our best buddies and want to date our girlfriends while inserting us into the matrix!
  11. This was a major inspiration for mine...Not sure if its anything like it
  12. thanks vista. im guessing its this Imac thing! ill try it on the PC
  13. Hi had several attempts a few weeks back at uploading to the Garage. site wouldn't have anything to do with it and whenever I clicked on on of my uploads I get this error message Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\collections\Category::$contentItemClass in /var/sites/o/oldskoolford.co.uk/public_html/ipb/system/Node/Model.phpon line 2153 And now it appears all the failed attempts worked but same error message comes up. Now I look sillier than usual. Uploading from Google chrome on Imac any advice
  14. jpayne


    apparently google chrome with the photobucket app add-on allows them to be seen...apparently
  15. what was it originally?
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