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Everything posted by PaulAshman

  1. Great car, great sound, great roads and most of all great driving by a legend who will always be missed. I had the pleasure of meeting Colin at the Goodwood festival of speed last year and what struck me most was how much time he had to talk to everyone, answer questions and generally be a nice chap. Colin R.I.P.
  2. I had this problem as mossy said. Basically they told me mine was beyond economical repair and gave it a category D. Then offered me peanuts for the car. ANyway I asked for an insurance valuer to come out and luckily he knew what the cars are worth and I ended up with nearly £2k and kept the car. It is definately worth fightng your case mate,i stuck to my guns and got it. Good luck
  3. Defo #2 for me all day long
  4. Looking good mate, perfect stance. Just get the front done and you'll be sorted. I know when I got mine done with blocks at the back first it looked a bit daft but once I got the front done it fills you with pride of how cool the car looks.
  5. The sun was out, I was off work and the car was shiny so what did I do????? I took it for a good blast in the country for a couple of hours this morning and got a few snaps while I was out as well. Hope you like the pics.
  6. Escort for me, but not just any old escort, the........................sportwagon!
  7. That was exactly my htoughts but didn't want to offend
  8. Deffo scammer and some poor person will get ripped off
  9. Hi Stuart, I am going to struggle on this one again, got friends over. Have you ever thought about doing an evening meet in the week maybe? Cheers, Paul.
  10. Glad you got it back on the road Gordon. I bet you were well pleased to be driving it again, gr8 feeling.
  11. Both look cool but i'd would have to say the mexico!
  12. Normally you just get your photo into a photobucket account and then paste the img text from the image onto your post on the site and bobs your uncle!!! Thats always worked for me. Good luck
  13. Yes mate, as above check out event reports section. There is quite a few in there for you to see
  14. Very very nice mate, look forward to seeing it at the shows in the flesh
  15. Gordy they are spot on mate, will get them in tomorrow when I get home from work. It was a bit late today. Cheers mate
  16. I just want to say a huge thanks to Gordon. He told me on tuesday night after the ACE meet he would make me some spacers for my engine mounts. Less than 48 hours later they arrive on my doormat. Gordon, thank you very much
  17. Me too, you should have seen the speed Gordon got his camera out for a photo when he spotted the great Bernie. Come on Gordon lets see the other photo!
  18. Not sure to be honest Antz but I am sure my mate had a lsd in his cortina before he sold it and I don't remembet that clicking! I am sure someone will know a definate answer.
  20. After driving around today and reflecting on last night a few things came to mind: 1. What a great meet the ACE is. 2. Great to meet some new faces. 3. Great fry up and stella. 4. Some cool photos including the one below which impressed my wife so much she has suggested having it enlarged in a frame and hanging in the hallway!!! (hope the other car owners don't mind,lol!) AND FINALLY HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE SOMEONE LIKE POSSE WHO GOES TO THE TROUBLE OF ORGANISING GREAT MEETS LIKE THIS, THANKS DARREN
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