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Jerrytom161 last won the day on January 13

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About Jerrytom161

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  • Location
    Somewhere Down sarf

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Old Skool Tool Polisher

Old Skool Tool Polisher (9/15)



  1. Renewed for another year , don’t remember seeing a reminder e-mail , but tbh i never check spam or junk mail i will from now on .
  2. Hi Stuart , welcome to the forum , what are your plans to do with the car apart from getting it back on the road and enjoying it ?
  3. Richard is a lovely guy we met for the first time last weekend at the NEC after a number of years of phone and text conversations so it was really great to finally meet him and his Dad too .
  4. I agree it was a really good show especially to celebrate 40 years of the classic car show itself and the 15th time OSF has been attending it too . Well done to the team for their time and dedication for setting up the stands and of course the wonderful collection of cars and van! . Stunning . roll on 2025 . see you next year .
  5. I tend to agree , its probably just an investor thats bought it store it for a while then move it on at a potential profit . Probably got no interest in the car itself or driving it ! Its just a commodity in their eyes . Hope i am wrong
  6. Thats mental ! . But how many are left with that kind of mileage and in that condition these days .
  7. Thanks everyone I had a Great day yesterday it was well worth the drive from Kent ,good to catch up with the guys . Both the OSF stand and 1300e owners stand looked great ,the cars and the beautiful van look amazing . Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys .
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375584433796?_nkw=ford+capri+++heater+motor&itmmeta=01J5BBXAN1R3KRDZ9EE1G7GV7B&hash=item577293a684:g:XQQAAOSwH8VmknqP&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkHSkwAfaPfq6ObGNSlWD3pja2hmNScrbCQ0gBnDn81SODFu7oCr2BaiuscaKJfvLxHGBKULij4FTRY9Kp0yvmDRYuS1Qc9k1geedbyou9K7kyCneMG%2B%2FUpWcHiMRKYvXtNZjjM6MxUcHz98fqSkm%2B3Mv58M2voSeo2hPJugyo4izLIjpwn1HCsP3gIoTnnMBJ98lTtNH6qeN58%2B57GSe%2Fmmr9tPjwdg%2BmOqls8fXe871kuBL1HiTFQCzRAdOZuQWg%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9Cq9euqZA this looks like the type i fitted into my original Mk1 Mexico heater unit .
  9. BBS gone insolvent again !! Lost track of how many times in recent years thats happened .
  10. Probably gone up in price since they sold my Mk1 Mexico 2 years ago and Judging by the Mk2 Escort RS2000 custom they sold recently at £94k i dread to think what the Mexico will be up for 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️……i suppose it depends on what collector / investor they have lined up to buy it .
  11. He didn’t have any the last time i asked about a year ago when i was building a heater unit, i did manage to get 2 he had at the time but that was quite a while ago.(from memory that was about 2 to 3 years ago ) . I did buy one of the Mk2 Escort/ capri ones you see on e bay and i did manage with a bit of minor adjustment/ filing etc to get it to fit and work but i cant exactly remember how .
  12. There was some very nice Mk1 Fiesta Supersports there too …alas i didn’t see any Mk1 Fiesta XR2’s ….☹️☹️☹️
  13. Mine is ….. “Easy “ ….. on a sunday morning …By the commordores …..
  14. Thank you Scott .
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